# Images(图像)

v-img组件包含支持富媒体的功能。 结合 vuetify-loader, 你可以添加动态的渐进图像来提供更好的用户体验。

# 使用



# 注意

# 示例

# 属性

# 宽高比


# 包含

If the provided aspect ratio doesn’t match that of the actual image, the default behavior is to fill as much space as possible, clipping the sides of the image. Enabling the contain prop will prevent this, but will result in empty space at the sides.

# 渐变

The gradient prop can be used to apply a simple gradient overlay to the image. More complex gradients should be written as a class on the content slot instead.

# 高度

v-img 组件会自动地缩放它的 src,并且保留它的长宽比/ 你可以通过修改 heightmax-height 属性来限制它。

# 插槽

# 占位符

v-img has a special placeholder slot for placeholder to display while image’s loading. Note: the example below has bad src which won’t load for you to see placeholder.

# 其他

# 栅格

您可以使用 v-img 来展示图片库。


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最后更新:11/12/2024, 6:59:50 AM